Hotline: 0985 397 562

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Lượt xem : 1464

Styrene-butadiene rubber is the basic material for most synthetic rubber. It is abbreviated as SBR, derived from the English phrase Styrene Butadiene Rubber. It is a copolymer of butadiene and styrene.

Liên hệ

Physical properties:
- Minimum crack resistance is high. At 100 degrees Celsius it will lose 60% of the crack resistance.
- Low heat, at 94 degrees Celsius vulcanized rubber lost 2/3 strength and 30% stretch. .
- large crack.
- The amount of energy consumed in pre-cooking, large mixing. Long-term plasticity decreases.
- Low plasticity so it is difficult to fill the mold, can increase flexibility with naphthalene oil, pine resin ...

- Endothelial heat is greater than natural rubber, causing major damage to the product being crushed repeatedly.

- SBR cure rate is slower than natural rubber.

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Contact Us

Sunny Tech Co., Ltd
Address: 451/36/17 To Hien Thanh Street, Ward 14, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Phone: (+84) 2873030060, (+84) 985 397 562

Sunny Rubber Chem Ltd.
Address:  Trust Company Complex, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro Marshall Islands MH 96960
Phone:   (+84) 2873030060, (+84) 985 397 562




0985 397 562